I have made it no secret how much I love Turku and Finland. The city started to feel like home only a few days after I arrived. But since coming back after a two month stay in the wonderfully diverse Berkeley, Turku has felt a little different and even more so after the events of Friday. Now, instead of feeling exotically different, I feel like I stick out like a sore thumb. I feel I am unwanted and so I try to avoid attracting attention as much as possible. This leaves little leeway in breaking rules of daily life. I feel I can’t walk in the bike lane, even on accident. I must tread quietly while inside stores or buildings. Doing anything new or different from my usual routine makes me anxious that I will unwittingly do something wrong. The day after the attack, I told my Finnish friend that I felt afraid of other Finns, realizing that this must be much worse for women who wear hijabs or brown men. An Indian friend said that he felt people darkly ...