One of the questions on this list asks you to describe your
perfect day. I have always described this more or less the same way: a day mixed
with down time and some work, with no stress of commitments to make or deadlines
but still with some purpose, and spent with people around me who I love.
I’ve always described this day as an ideal that I will
probably not achieve but one that I can dream about anyway. But the thing is,
in Finland, especially in the past month, I have had more than a few days that
fit the bill.

Summer cottage trips with the bf and summer reading make for
the perfect combination for my perfect day. We spend the weekends doing various
cottage improvement projects during the day, broken up by me spending hours of
sitting outside in the sun reading the books for my courses. And then there are
the many activities that make up Finnish summer cottage culture: sauna in the
evenings, grilling fresh vegetables, brief (terrifying) boat rides in the
archipelago, running in the woods.
Not to forget the fact that all of this is surrounded by so
much nature that it is easy to forget that other people live next door.
I know I wrote about summer cottage life last year, but I couldn’t
resist writing about it again. Last year I was writing about it as something
novel and foreign, an experience to have a few times and then forever treasured
in the annals of memory and photos on Facebook. But now, a year later, I have
slowly started finding my place in this cottage. I have started leaving my own
mark on it (in the form of curtains brought from my old apartment and a mirror I
attempted to hang on the cottage wall). My hands have contributed to the new
yard, to the terrace, to the storage shed.
Most of all, it exemplifies much of what I will miss most about
Finland when I leave to go back to the States for some time: Nature, the bf, the absence of a constant pressure to do more, be more, live
more. It also means that my summer vacation destination (if I get
summer vacations anymore) will always be decided for me. Because summer
cottages are where perfect days are made. And I hope of having many more of
them ahead.
This article took me to a tranquil place imagining you doing all these (admit. also wanting to be there). I share your views- the perfect day for me too is somewhere in nature spending the day with ones I love, doing nothing but doing everything. There is one such day I remember distinctly and this one memory that is etched in my mind and heart forever.. About 10-12 years ago, your mom visited me in September. I took her to Scotland, our first long trip together. Usually it is very rainy around that time but as if for her, the sun shone through this entire time in the wetness. We drove on this remote road, lost but surrounded by fields and mountains and when the sun came out, we just stopped and sat there in the fields, talked, laughed for an hour or two.. I have this memory of your mom laughing with sun hitting her face with the back drop of a mountain. That was one of my perfect days..